
✮ Sobriquet: AlienQueenE2
✮ Pseudonym: Elisha Einmär
✮ Zodiac: Aquarius; Fire Rabbit
✮ Military Veteran with Honorable Discharge
✮ Highest Education: College; Associate Degree in IT
✮ I enjoy reading fiction and playing video games: Pokemon, The Atelier Series, & Rune Factory series
✮ I am passionate about the Arts: Literature, Design, Crafts, and Animé
✮ I am taking the advice of a beloved friend to use my voice and love of storytelling as merchandise and commodity in this turbulent time of my life as a voice talent
✮ Still learning the ropes but I hope to promote myself to achieve success


✮ "Giving voice to internet novels", is the motto for my career as a virtual live narrator. ✮What is an internet novel?
It is formally called Web fiction or more popularly known as webnovel, these are serialized written works of literature published onto an online platform (novels are released at a set number - between 1 to 5 episodes/chapters at a set time - at the author's pace or websites' discretion) that are in both free and pay-to-read formats.
What is iVoxnovels' goal?
Narrate a webnovel chapter and create a podcast series.
As I'll require permission from the authors for this to happen, I would like to promote myself and my brand by:
taking on auditions for audiobooks,
improve my skill for narrating novels by using materials from the Free and Open Library and podcasting each episode similar to a webnovel chapter,
collaborate with companies who are open to this idea,
do a recording in the form of promo impression ads with an excerpt of the webnovels, and
enhance my vocal-demo profile.


Projects in Progress

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I appreciate very much your support in listening to my vocal performances.
I hope to continue to entertain all my listeners.
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Inquiries / Fanmail only.All others please see the Support & Work tab.Please and Thank you!(●'◡'●)